Congratulations to Carolyn Hao for winning the Championship at 2022 Canadian Chinese Songwriters Quest Singing Contest! The 1st Runner-Up title was awarded to Jess Leung, with Wendy Cheng taking 2nd Runner-Up, and Calvin Lai receiving the Potential Award. Additionally, Serena Yeung won the G-Way Health Centre People's Choice Award through online voting.
「唱好歌創 SQSC 歌唱大賽」經已完滿舉行,得獎名單如下:
加拿大芝寶靈芝 網絡人氣獎:楊綽婷(卡加利)
Tickets sold out. 門票全部售罄。
8 contestants from Toronto, Calgary & Vancouver will compete for the Championship and other awards of SQSC 2022. Select your favorite finalist. The finalist you vote for will have a chance to win "G-Way Health Centre People's Choice Award" and you may take home the $500 cash prize!
入圍的 8 位 SQSC 2022 的參賽者將會代表溫哥華、卡加利或多倫多出線決賽,經專業歌唱和舞蹈培訓後,於決賽日競逐全國冠軍、亞軍、季軍、最具潛質獎和網絡人氣獎 5 大獎項。網民亦可參與加拿大芝寶靈芝網絡人氣獎票選,被抽中之投票者可以贏取獎金 $500。
Thank you for your interest in SQSC 2022. The application has ended and all finalists will be notified by May 11, 2022. Stay tuned for more updates.
「唱好歌創 SQSC 歌唱大賽」經已截止報名,成功進入初賽的參加者,將會於 5 月 11 日前收到通知。再次感謝各位熱情參與,敬請留意 SQSC 2022 的最新動向。
Sing for SQ! Sing for the Future! “Canadian Chinese Song-Writers Quest Singing Contest” (SQSC 2022) welcomes Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents or Landed Immigrants of Canada of all ages who are living in Canada to enter. Finalists will have a chance to be auditioned by Media Asia Music plus winning fabulous cash prizes.
唱好歌創!唱好未來!「唱好歌創 SQSC 歌唱大賽」(SQSC 2022)歡迎任何年齡並現居加拿大的加拿大公民、永久居民或已抵埠移民報名參加。入圍者有機會接受寰亞音樂面試,並贏得豐富獎金。
11:59pm, May 6, 2022 (PST)
July 30, 2022
Vancouver 溫哥華
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台 AM1470 & FM961: 604-295-1234
Calgary 卡加利
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台 FM94.7: 403-717-1940
Toronto 多倫多
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台 AM1430: 905-415-1430
Email 電郵: